Ernest & Julio Gallo Management Program
& School of Social Sciences, Humanities & Arts

Theofanis "Fanis" Tsoulouhas

Contact Information  |  Research Interests and Editorial Responsibilities  |  Research  |  Courses Taught  | E-mail



Research Interests, Projects and Editorial Responsibilities

Research Interests


Websites, Conferences and Special Issues related to Tournaments, Contests and Relative Performance Evaluation


Sovereign Debt

Performance Pay

Tournaments and Contests

Organizational Structure and Agent Behavior

Information Gathering/Transmission

Financial and Labor Contracts: One-sided Commitment and Optimality of Debt Contracts

Demography and Technology: Boserup vs Malthus

Other Selective Publications

Courses Taught 

    University of California, Merced, 2012 to current
    MGMT 165: Corporate Finance
    MGMT 180: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

    North Carolina State University, 1993-2012
    ECG 790: Ph.D. Corporate Finance
    ECG 702: Ph.D. Economic Theory
    EC 301: Intermediate Microeconomics
    EC 201: Principles of Microeconomics

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987-1993
    EC 273: Intermediate Econometrics
    EC 173: Introductory Econometrics
    EC 172: Economics and Business Statistics

Past NCSU IO/Micro Workshops I Co-Organized

My Ellada: My Blog on the Financial Crisis in Greece

UC Merced Faculty, Tsoulouhas
UC Merced, SSHA

UC Merced home page